Wow check out PPD’s illegal firearms discharge stats on the past 4th of Julys.

In the months preceding July 4th, we launched an initiative to raise awareness about the dangers of recklessly discharging a firearm. We teamed up with our Digital Intelligence Unit and dedicated much time and effort to researching facts and strategies to better protect the citizens of Pasadena.

We are grateful that our community responded to our encouragement to report illegal activity (“celebratory gunfire”) on the 4th of July.

We compared Discharge of Firearm data from July 4th, 2021, through 2024 and concluded that the City of Pasadena experienced a drastic decrease in illegal firearms discharge.

With the support of several divisions throughout the division, in addition to citizens reporting illegal activity, crime was reduced by 66%! This is the lowest amount of firearms discharged on the 4th of since July 4th, 2021 — during the quarantine and peak of COVID.

We are proud to serve our citizens and will continue developing innovative and effective ways to protect our city!

Pasadena Police Department

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