DPPD: Protect yourself from the rising threat of ‘Quishing’ – QR code scams.

Be aware of a new scam called “Quishing;” which is phishing with QR codes. Did you receive an unsolicited package at your home? Did it come with a QR code, instructing you to scan it? Do not scan the QR code unless you know the sender’s credibility. Scammers can download malware on your cell phone if you scan the QR code.
Here are some tips when you see a QR code:
 Do not scan a randomly found QR code.
 Be suspicious if, after scanning a QR code, the site asks for a password or login info.
 Do not scan QR codes received in emails or text messages unless you know they are legitimate. Call the sender to confirm.
 Some scammers are physically pasting bogus codes over legitimate ones. If it looks as though a code has been tampered with, don’t use it. Same thing with legitimate ads you pick up or get in the mail.

To read more about QR Code scams, visit: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/elpaso/news/fbi-tech-tuesday-building-a-digital-defense-against-qr-code-scams


Deer Park Police Department

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