Aspiring stars, audition for Shelter In Place at Pasadena Little Theater. A hurricane, quirky guests, and hilarious chaos – this show will be a hit.

Pasadena Little Theater will be hosting auditions soon the world premiere performance for the gale-force comedy Shelter In Place!

Auditions will be held Sunday and Monday August 18th and 17th at 7pm in the Black Box theater. Performances of the show will begin October 11-20th. This show has many large roles and a good balance of comedy and depth. If you’re interested check out the synopsis and list of characters below. We hope to see you at the Auditions!

SYNOPSIS: Frank Bennett runs a bed and breakfast in Pelican Bay, Texas – a Gulf Coast town that is currently in the path of Hurricane Claudia. He’s preparing for the storm when his elderly father shows up to “help.” Shortly after, Heidi, an unexpected and mysterious guest arrives due to a reservation mix-up and now refuses to leave. Throw in the arrival of Frank’s lovesick and accident- prone son AND his ex-wife, just jilted by her pool boy boyfriend, all while the hurricane continues to barrel closer and closer. The storm outside threatens to be almost as intense as the comical one brewing inside!

Frank – (THIS ROLE HAS BEEN PRE-CAST.) 40s – 50s, Proprietor of Pelican Bay Bed & Breakfast, carries the burden of being the reliable go-to guy for the 3 generations of his family. Frank is the “anal-retentive type,” usually stressed out, but also a push-over… and his family all know it.

George – 70s – 80s, Frank’s elderly father, a recent widower, mischievous (almost petulant), knows just how to push his son’s buttons. George is lonely and wants nothing more than to be reunited with his dearly departed wife. Despite their bickering, George loves his son but harbors a great dislike for Mildred, Frank’s ex-wife.

Heidi – 30s+, A head-strong, tough-as-nails television celebrity (think Nancy Grace or a female Dr. Phil) who arrives at the hotel due to a reservation mix-up and now refuses to leave, leading to numerous battles-of-will with Frank. She is newly single but is also running away from a recent traumatic incident on her television show and the ensuing scandal.

Sam – 20, Frank’s son, George’s grandson, a college student, a bit naïve, a bit of a klutz, but 100% sincere. Sam is in love. In order to win the approval of his new girlfriend’s parents, he arrives at the hotel on a mission to somehow convince Frank and Mildred to not only get back together but to get remarried within the week!

Mildred – 40s – 50s, Frank’s ex-wife, Sam’s mother. Mildred is over-the-top in every sense: a queen bee fashionista (think Kris Jenner or, well, any of the Kardashians) who is used to getting exactly what she wants. She often avoids conflict by pretending it doesn’t exist. Mildred knows EXACTLY how to bend Frank and Sam to her will.

Little Theatre
