DPPD Officers honored at MADD Awards Luncheon. Congratulations!

Deer Park PD would like to congratulate three of it’s finest for being award recipients at the Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) annual awards luncheon. Yesterday, Officer Parman, Officer Schwausch and Officer Hartley were recognized for their “above and beyond” effort in removing drunk and drug impaired drivers from the Deer Park roadways. Officer Parman received special recognition with the MADD Hero award for having made 133 DWI related arrests for the Deer Park Police Department. These three officers proactively make direct and indirect impact on the safety and security for the citizens of Deer Park. We are thankful for their effort and appreciate all they do for our Department and our community. Congratulations to each of them Keep up the hard work!
Pictured from left: Sergeant Trotti, Officer Parman, Officer Schwausch, Officer Hartley, and Lieutenant Hill.

Deer Park Police Department

Categorized as DPPD