Help find murderer Ronnie Palmer. ⚠️

UPDATED POST FROM HCSO: There is an active search for Palmer. Please call us now: do not aid or assist him or YOU can face serious consequences for doing so. We want a safe resolution. We are relentless and will not give up!

Tipsters will remain anonymous and could be eligible for a cash reward of up to $5,000.
Report crime anonymously by:
* Calling Crime Stoppers of Houston at 713-222-TIPS(8477)
* Using the Mobile App (Download app name: Crime Stoppers Houston)
* Submitting online here
Your information could be crucial in apprehending Ronnie Palmer and ensuring the safety of our community. Thank you for your vigilance and support.
Urgent! Help us locate Ronnie Palmer (10-17-79). Palmer is wanted for an Aggravated Assault that occurred on July 10, 2024, at 15634 Wallisville in East Harris County.
He is also a person of interest in the Capital Murder of a Harris County Sheriff’s Office Deputy.
If you have any information regarding his whereabouts, contact Crime Stoppers of Houston at 713-222-TIPS (8477).

Sheriff Ed Gonzalez

Pasadena Police Department

Categorized as PPD