PPD: Deputy Esqueda, a hero in blue, sacrificed his life to protect our community.

It is with profound sorrow that we extend our heartfelt condolences on the tragic loss of Harris County Sheriff Deputy Fernando Esqueda.

The Pasadena Police Department stands in solidarity with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. Know that you are not alone in your grief. Our community mourns with you, and our thoughts are with you, your family, and the entire Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Esqueda demonstrated courage, dedication, and selfless commitment to serving and protecting our community, and his actions reflect the highest values of law enforcement.

Our deepest sympathies are with you and all those who knew and loved our fallen brother in blue.

At only 28 years old, Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Fernando Esqueda was murdered in the line of duty. He died protecting our community, engaging with a violent and dangerous person.

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. – John 15:13

Deputy Esqueda, thank you for your service. Thank you for your sacrifice. You should still be here, brother. Your time on earth was cut short and you leave behind a void that cannot be filled. We’ll take the watch from here. Rest in peace.

Pasadena Police Department

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