Unlocking excellence, how PPD became one of Texas’ Elite 221 accredited agencies.

A Committee of Chiefs of Police and Command level officers from across Texas assisted in developing standards critical for the proper functioning of Texas law enforcement agencies. They reviewed Texas law and other State Accreditation Program standards to determine which were most appropriate. This program committee is the Texas Police Chief’s Association (TPCA).

Of the over 2,700 police agencies in the state, only 221 are accredited, and the Pasadena Police Department is proud to have earned this distinction. This accreditation requires the constant review of our policies, procedures and practices to ensure we meet TPCA’s standards. This accreditation was first achieved in July of 2021 and has been met every year since.

Congratulations to Pasadena Police Department Alumni Chief Gene Ellis as he continues his journey as TPCA’s Executive Director.

Pasadena Police Department

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