It’s almost time to celebrate the New Year, and you know what that means—time for some epic fireworks! But before you grab that sparkler like it’s a magic wand, let’s chat about staying safe so you can enjoy the show!
🎆Fireworks & Water: Keep a water source at the ready— just in case!
🎆Sparklers are hot, hot, hot! They’re like tiny sunbeams in your hand. So, hold them away from anything you value including but not limited to your face, your clothes or your dignity.
🎆Pets: If your dog’s hiding under the couch, they’re not being dramatic—they’re terrified. Keep your furry friends inside, comfy, and away from the noise.
🎆Don’t play ‘guess what happens next!’ If a firework doesn’t go off, don’t go poking it like it’s a mystery box. Step away, take a breather, and give it time.
🎆Location, Location, Location. You wouldn’t light a firecracker in a crowded elevator, right? Then don’t do it near buildings, trees, or your neighbor’s inflatable snowman. Follow all local rules!
Let’s make sure this year’s fireworks shows are filled with sparkle AND safety!
Fireworks Safety Tips: