The Animal Shelter celebrating National Dog Day with team member Emma’s story who transformed her home into a haven for Ralph, Furnando, and Ghost.

To celebrate National Dog Day, here’s a heartwarming story of the joy of rescue pets from our PAWsome team member, Emma! ❤️

“Ralph, an American Bulldog mix, stole my heart the moment I took him on a doggie date. After learning he was at risk for euthanasia, I knew I couldn’t let him go. I brought him home as a “foster,” but we all knew he was here to stay. Though he had some separation anxiety, we adopted Furnando, a German Shepherd mix, to help. It wasn’t easy—Furnando had aggression issues—but with time, patience, and lots of love, he and Ralph became inseparable.

Our family wasn’t complete until Ghost, a playful and mischievous cat, joined us. He may have started out hissing at the dogs, but now, they’re all best friends. Ghost’s antics keep us all laughing, and he’s the perfect final piece to our family puzzle.

Adopting was one of the best decisions I have ever made. You don’t need a pure bred of anything to bring joy into your life! By adopting an animal, you save a life and open up a kennel for a different animal. Even if you can’t adopt, then fostering or even volunteering can help save a life! So many shelters are overrun by strays, so please adopt and don’t shop!”

❤️ Ready to add some joy to your life? Come by our shelter or view our animals online here:

Pasadena Animal Shelter & Pet Adoption Center
5150 Burke Road Pasadena, TX
Shelter: 713-848-5340
Adoptions: 713-848-5362
[email protected]
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: 9am for shelter, 11am for adoptions to 5pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 9am for shelter, 11am for adoptions to 6pm
Saturday: 11am to 4pm (Closed Sunday)

Animal Shelter
