The Pasadena Historical Society Board meeting was a big hit at the Heritage Park & Museum with music, poetry, and goodie bags.

👏We were honored to have the Pasadena Historical Society Board members, and membership, hold their quarterly meeting at the Museum…again.❤️Their move to have the meetings during the daytime has proven to be a big success with many members attending. The board members, and membership, enjoyed music and poetry from Mr. Smokey Culvert. We have a small video, of Smokey performing, in the comments for your enjoyment ….along with some photos of the meeting. Smokey is the City of Pasadena’s Poet Laureate. The Board members arranged delicious refreshments and the museum provided special information goodie bags for each attendee. If you are interested in having your organization hold a meeting at the museum during our business hours of Tuesdays-Saturdays, from 9:00am to 4:00pm, please go to and fill out a request form!

Heritage Park & Museum

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The museum had a Bicentennial Album donation that is like a time capsule from 1973-1976, capturing the spirit of the community.

We were so excited to have a donation hand delivered to the Museum by the recording secretary of the Pasadena Historical Society. It is the Bicentennial Album put together by Mrs. D’Juana Oxford who was the General Chairman of The Pasadena American Revolution Bicentennial Commission and their plans to commemorate our nation’s 200th birthday in Pasadena, Texas. The album is donated by D’Lesa Oxford Brooks.

This album highlights the work done throughout the city during 1973 though 1976 in preparation for the city celebration. Over 60 of the city’s leaders, business owners, and civic minded residents served on this appointed commission by the Mayor of Pasadena. The album highlights many of the various activities and events that give a picture of the year 1973 to 1976 of how the citizens, schools, the Chamber of Commerce, and local industry and businesses all partnered to celebrate our nations 200th anniversary.

Heritage Park & Museum

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The McMaster sisters brought a burst of energy to the Heritage Park & Museum tour, sharing their family’s rich history with enthusiasm and pride.

 We were honored to have two sisters, who are decedents from the McMasters family, come and bring guests for a tour of the museum. We enjoyed hearing about the family of the guests who helped start the Chinese Baptist Church in Houston! The McMaster decedent sisters enjoyed telling them the story of their current exhibit in the Pomeroy House “the McMasters Family History” (pictured in the background) 👏🥰

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Heritage Park & Museum hosting a whooping 57 students and 5 teachers from Kruse Elementary around the museum for a scavenger hunt and lunch.

We had so much fun hosting 57 students, and 5 teachers, from 4th grade at Kruse Elementary Pasadena ISD!! The teachers held a scavenger hunt with historical questions regarding each home and then everyone ate lunch on the museum grounds. During the tour, they all enjoyed their light up wands and the highlight was all the students yelling “Go, Pasadena!”🎉 More pictures in the comments 📸

Heritage Park & Museum

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Heritage Park & Museum raises a toast to General Taylor and his victory at the Battle of Palo Alto, a pivotal moment in Texas history.

Today in Texas history on May 8, 2024, we remember the Battle of Palo Alto. Enjoy this snapshot of Texas history. ⬇️

On May 8, 1846, General Zachary Taylor (1748-1850) defeated a formidable Mexican force in the Battle of Palo Alto. This happened shortly before the United States formally declared war on Mexico. The battle took place north of the Rio Grande River near present-day Brownsville, Texas.

The war with Mexico had begun in 1845 when the United States annexed the Republic of Texas as a new state. In 1836 the Mexicans had fought an unsuccessful war with Texans to keep them from breaking away to become an independent nation. Mexico refused to accept or recognize the independent of Texas and especially the Rio Grande River as an international boundary. In January 1846, President James Polk (1795-1849) feared the Mexicans would respond to U.S. annexation by trying to get control of the Southwestern Texas territory.

President Polk ordered General Taylor to move forces into Texas to defend the Rio Grande border. Efforts to diplomatically settle the dispute failed, and Mexican General Mariano Arista declared it a hostile invasion of Mexican territory and on April 25, 1846, his soldiers crossed the river and attacked.

Congress declared war on May 13 and authorized a draft to build up the U.S. Army. General Taylor was in no position to wait for a formal declaration of war and Taylor and his 2000 soldiers on May 8, fought the Mexican army near Palo Alto, and the next day at Resaca de la Palma. Americans admired General Taylor and loving called him “Old Rough and Ready” and they elected him President in 1848.

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Heritage Park & Museum and Kruse Elementary are whipping up a scavenger hunt and picnic for students.

🎉Oh what fun it was to visit with the principal, and a few teachers, from Kruse Elementary Pasadena ISD! We are working together to plan a tour of 66 students, along with a scavenger hunt & picnic on the grounds! #sofun

If you want to schedule a tour for your organization, school, or family….please go to or call 713-472-0565 for details👏🫶

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The American Heritage Girls and Boys Homeschool Group brought life to the Heritage Park & Museum with their families.

We had the honor to have the parents and families of the American Heritage Girls and Boys Home School Group tour the museum. This is the first chapter of American Heritage to form in Pasadena! If you want to have your group or organization book a museum tour or use our facility for meetings or events, please go to or call 713-472-0565.

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Heritage Park & Museum shares the history of San Jacinto Day.

Do you know why we celebrate San Jacinto Day in Pasadena?🧐

On San Jacinto Day we honor and show respect to the brave men and women who settled in Texas before us. In 1835, both Anglo-American and Tejano Texas settlers were no longer happy being citizens of Mexico. The settlers organized and rebelled with arms against the Mexican Army. President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was a proven dictator, and the settlers wanted their freedom. The Texas settlers took arms and drove the Mexican army from Texas in 1835. In retaliation, General Santa Anna marched 6,000 soldier to reclaim Texas and stop the rebellion. It was brutal and the Alamo fell on March 6th and two weeks later, the soldiers of Goliad, Texas Surrendered.

General Sam Houston led the Texas rebellion and his army retreated, but his troops were eager to continue to fight and win against the Mexican army. Santa Anna made several mistakes. He divided his army to pursue different targets.

Sam Houston saw his chance to take action and setup camp on April 20th on the Buffalo Bayou near Lynch’s ferry. Santa Anna had his smaller army setup camp about ¾ miles away. The next morning, around 500 Mexican troops arrived to help but were given orders to eat and rest. General Sam Houston had a prime opportunity. At 3:30 that afternoon, the General and his troops laid out the battle plan to get their 930 soldiers to take the fight to Santa Anna’s 1250 Mexican soldiers.

At 4:30 General Sam Houston and the Texan army began to attack the Mexican camp while shouting “Remember the Alamo”! The battle lasted 18 minutes and the Texas army killed over 600 Mexican soldiers and captured almost all the remaining army. Nine Texans died in the battle.

General Santa Anna escaped and disguised himself as a private. Texan troops captured him along the Houston Ship Channel in now Pasadena, Texas. The troops brought him to General Houston and Houston forced him to sign a treaty that would recognize Texas as Independent from Mexico. That treaty opened the gate for Texas and the American expansion!

We celebrate San Jacinto Day to honor these brave men and how they fought for our freedom. The battle took place on the land of the now
San Jacinto Monument grounds.

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Video: Step back in time with a Pasadena movie capturing life in the 1940s.

Have you ever wanted to see a blast from the past? The Pasadena Channel restores a historic film of life in Pasadena shot right after WWII.

Please enjoy this Pasadena Movie to view how people lived, worked, and played in Pasadena in the 1940’s! If you enjoy history and want to learn more about how our great city began, please
book a tour! Your family or your organization can tour the historical homes of the Pomeroy and Parks families as well as tour Edna’s house to see various displays of Pasadena History. Currently, we have an exhibit of the McMaster Family. They were very instrumental in the history of Pasadena. All tours are by appointment only. Please call 713-472-0565 or book online at

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The Pasadena Historical Society had a 40+ meeting at the Museum last weekend, with Mr. Rick Guerrero Director of PEDC as the guest speaker.

We were delighted to have the Pasadena Historical Society’s quarterly membership meeting at the Museum. The Historical Society Board members welcomed over 40 attendees. Their guest speaker, Mr. Rick Guerrrero – Director of the Pasadena Economic Development Corporation, shared all the wonderful projects that are happening with his Department, in Pasadena. Guests also enjoyed a catered lunch of finger foods. If you need a daytime meeting location for your organization or group, contact the Museum at 713-472-0565 to reserve a room. We can seat up to 50 guests, comfortably.

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