These vibrant frogs at Armand Bayou are the life of the party in any forest munching on bugs and bioindicating.

The American green tree frog lives in open canopy forests with a permanent water source and filled with plentiful vegetation. They also live in urban areas with ponds or backyard pools. They can live up to 6.2 years. Males are usually smaller than females. They are insectivores, primarily consuming flies, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, cockroaches, spiders, beetles, and other small insects such as crickets and ants. One study found it is not uncommon for them to ingest plant material as well. American green tree frogs can also be used as bioindicators for aquatic contamination being that synthetic compounds such as polychlorinated biphenyls are found in many pesticides and pollute the green tree frog’s aquatic habitats. Photo credit: Stacy Holcomb and Tyson Vodochodsky 

Armand Bayou Nature Center
