Dobie High School triumphs at the District Academic Decathlon and Octathlon Competition and now heads to Regionals. Congratulations!

Our DHS Academic Decathlon and Octathlon teams had a successful District Competition this past Thursday and Friday at Orozco Center.

We won 1st place overall, 1st Place Super Quiz, 3rd Place Super Quiz (Octathlon)! πŸŽ‰
βœ”We have 9 returning members in our Decathlon team and a brand new Octathlon team of 10 students.
βœ”Octathlon took 4th place – Super impressive especially for a majority Freshmen team.
βœ” A total of 26 students attended the competition!
βœ” Dobie was also represented by Coach Brown who was our amazing super quiz announcer. Ms. Richardson interpreted for our student Jacob Guzman, and 3 of our wonderful teachers judged speech and interview (Derek Beckham, Cindy Mutz, Lisa Upshaw) and Kathy Eads who scored Essays.
πŸŽ‰We’ll be heading to Region next Month!Β 

Dobie High

Categorized as Dobie, PISD