Video: CTE SkillsUSA National Signing Day, Antonio, Gabriel, Jared, Josue, Kevin and Jackson making the future workforce. Congratulations!

Thank you to SkillsUSA, Lowe’s Foundation, and That Masonry Girl for organizing this National Signing Day Event for construction and electrical students from CTHS Pasadena ISD.

Welcome to the SkillsUSA National Signing Day with Lowe’s Foundation in Houston, TX! Across the nation, over 3,000 students committed to careers in the skilled trades, making this year’s #skillsusanationalsigningday the largest ever!

It’s great to see students committing to careers in the skilled trades. They are the future work force that we so desperately need! Congrats to Antonio, Gabriel, Jared, Josue, Kevin and Jackson for choosing careers in the skilled trades! Best of luck to you all!

Pasadena ISD CTE

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