Help Animal Shelter foster pups by donating Purina One dog food. Your generosity ensures they have a healthy journey to their forever home.

The Pasadena Animal Shelter is in need of donations of Purina One dog food for their foster pups. We’re out of Purina One dog food for our foster pups! Can you help us?
By donating, you’re helping our dogs get the nutrition they need to thrive and have a happy, healthy journey to their forever home!
➡️ Donations can be dropped off or mailed to our shelter. They can also be ordered online on our Amazon Wishlist:
Your generosity will make a world of difference. Thank you for supporting our foster pups! 🐶

Pasadena Animal Shelter & Pet Adoption Center
5150 Burke Road
Shelter: 713-848-5340
Adoptions: 713-848-5362
[email protected]
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: 9am for shelter, 11am for adoptions to 5pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 9am for shelter, 11am for adoptions to 6pm
Saturday: 11am to 4pm (Closed Sunday)

Animal Shelter

Categorized as Animal Shelter