Memorial High School’s Advertising class promotes creativity and compassion. Pasadena ISD’s Career and Technical Education month highlights.

February is Career and Technical Education Month!๐ŸŒŸ To learn more about the incredible programs Pasadena ISD offers visit
Pasadena Memorial High School’s Advertising class has been working with the Pasadena Animal Shelter to help promote adoptions. Part of the plan was the #ArtisticDogChallenge where a canvas with paint is placed inside a Ziploc bag and peanut butter is added to the outside of it. You then allow your dog to lick the snack and create an art piece. Pasadena Animal Shelter brought over four doggies that participated in the challenge as the students got to interact with them. All of these dogs are ready for adoption at the shelter and their art will be hung in the shelter’s lobby for all guest to see!

Pasadena Independent School District

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