Mighty Eagle Parent Ambassadors aced graduation, spreading their wings wide in celebration. Congratulations!

Mighty Eagle Parent Ambassadors Graduation

We are thrilled to celebrate the graduation of our dedicated Parent Ambassadors from the Academy!

Throughout the school year, these incredible parents have attended monthly sessions, diving deep into the workings of Pasadena High School and learning the best ways to support their students through high school and beyond.

Key Highlights from the Academy:
– Monthly educational sessions
– Building strong community ties
– Supporting student success at every step
– Learning to navigate essential tech

Join us in congratulating these outstanding members of the Mighty Eagle Nation as they receive their diplomas, in their graduation gowns in a special ceremony honoring their commitment and hard work.

These remarkable individuals are not only ambassadors for our school but shining examples to our community, demonstrating the power of engaged and informed parenting.

Thank you to all our Parent Ambassadors, you ROCK!

Pasadena High

Categorized as Pasadena, PISD