Pasadena Little League and the community is grateful for the support from our leaders and sponsors this season.

Wow!!!! It’s awesome to have your community leaders on your side thank you for everyone that played a part this season. Pasadena Little League and the community are grateful for your dedication to the future of our City!!!! God Bless!!!!
At our most recent City Council Meeting, we had many special guests— team members of the Pasadena Little League! Coach Nick Cantu spoke in front of the council and thanked everyone for their generosity in sponsoring 26 kids.
We recently learned that many families in the Pasadena Little League could not afford the signup fee to play on the baseball team, so we collaborated with our community, and several individuals were eager to help!
We are so grateful to our community and the efforts to ensure that kids in our community would be able to play baseball. Sponsorships were provided by the City of Pasadena, Texas – Government Director Rex Lindberg, Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, and several Councilmembers:
Councilman Emmaunel Guerrero
Councilman Ornaldo Ybarra
Councilman Thomas Schoenbein
Councilman Ruben Villarreal
Councilman Dolan Dow
Along with Gringo’s business owner Mr. Russell Ybarra, Attorney at Law Mr. Bernardo Aldape III, Mrs. Jennifer Silva, Mrs. Angela Shem, Miss Drew Garza, Devon Hallford, Officer C. Cardenas (Seabrook P.D.), and Officer D. Garza (Pasadena P.D.).
We thank Mayor Jeff Wagner for throwing the first pitch at the opening game, Police Chief Jerry Wright for sponsoring a child, and for leading the parade on opening day in the P.D. Mustang with Officer M. Aguirre. We also thank our Fire Marshall Chief Brannon for being onboard and bringing his crew with fire trucks for the parade.
The Pasadena Police Department is honored to serve and protect our generous and thoughtful community.

Little League
