The Pasadena Historical Society Board meeting was a big hit at the Heritage Park & Museum with music, poetry, and goodie bags.

👏We were honored to have the Pasadena Historical Society Board members, and membership, hold their quarterly meeting at the Museum…again.❤️Their move to have the meetings during the daytime has proven to be a big success with many members attending. The board members, and membership, enjoyed music and poetry from Mr. Smokey Culvert. We have a small video, of Smokey performing, in the comments for your enjoyment ….along with some photos of the meeting. Smokey is the City of Pasadena’s Poet Laureate. The Board members arranged delicious refreshments and the museum provided special information goodie bags for each attendee. If you are interested in having your organization hold a meeting at the museum during our business hours of Tuesdays-Saturdays, from 9:00am to 4:00pm, please go to and fill out a request form!

Heritage Park & Museum

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