Veteran PISD educators paved the way for present teachers, embodying excellence with grace 35+ years of service. Congratulations!

 In honor of #Teacher Appreciation Week, Pasadena ISD would like to shed light on the veterans who walked so that present PISD educators could run. With 35 or more years of service, these educators embodied the attitude, essence, and grace of excellence in their education journey, and today, WE celebrate them!📣

Here are some quotes from our favorite veteran teachers to take along the way as you get to know these extraordinary ladies!!☺️

Linda Guerrea
In education for over 50 years, I knew to “always be kind and grateful because the reward is at the end! And remember, always preach before you teach.”

Cecelia Stewart
A clerical aid in art for 35 years has always carried with her “to listen to the kids, and when an you walk out of school, ask yourself, did you help a child today? And don’t forget to spread a little sparkle throughout the day.”

Tammy sawyer
For the last 35 years, kindergarten has been home, with a mindset to “ Always believe that when a child comes into my room, they were placed there for a reason; so as you help students, they also help you grow as an educator.”

Karyn Johnson
Being in education for over 40 years and principal for the 31st year. Principal Johnson always believed that when you “meet the needs of all students, make a difference in the community, and take the time to build relationships through every form of education, especially building special program initiatives or bettering language barriers, that is how you grow as an educator.”

Click the link to read more!!

Pasadena Independent School District

Categorized as PISD