Sparks Elementary’s Student Council led the charge, raising over $500 for the Animal Shelter shelter.

Sparks Elementary raised over $500 for our shelter and animals! 🎉

We thank them for their act of kindness, especially their Student Council, which led their Pennies for Pets program.

The Student Council leaders are:

🐾 Michael Infante – President

🐾 Hannah Mathews – Vice President

🐾 Hazen Rodriguez – Secretary

🐾 Juilette Inestroza – Treasurer

🐾 Dana Babineaux and Shari Morgan – Student Council Advisors

The future is bright, especially for our animals, thanks to leaders like these!

Want to make a donation? We have animals in need of medical care. Use this link to donate: We thank you in advance for your kindness and support!

Animal Shelter
